Wrong Place, Wrong Time
is a movie that defies all expectations, although perhaps not in a good way. Arriving with little fanfare in 2021, the film opens as a formulaic heist movie about a group of criminals attempting one last big score. However, things get a little out of control when the group end up somehow finding themselves caught in a supernatural horror story that turns it into a genre mash-up that is so unconventional it has attracted enough attention on Tubi
to top the free streamer’s chart.
The synopsis of this unusual action movie reads, “An elite team of thieves takes refuge with a family after a heist goes horribly wrong. They soon find themselves in a fight for their lives when one of their hosts turns into a mysterious creature.” While the first part of the movie plays out as a trope-filled heist movie, the sudden switch-up to a creature feature horror movie doesn’t really do it any favors as many of the film’s reviews make sure to point out. It is also a movie that managed to get worse reviews from audiences than critics, a strange turn of events considering viewers are usually way more lenient about this kind of movie.
This 30-Year-Old Heist Film Still Has the Best Shootout in Cinema History
The thrilling bank robbery shootout scene in Michael Mann’s ‘Heat’ perfectly embodies Mann’s legendary attention to detail.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time is directed by Tristan Price and stars many people that you probably haven’t heard of. Franziska Schissler, Bianca Stein, Alex Ryan Brown, Chase Garland, and Olivia Rivera do what they can with the material they are given, but one of the biggest bugbears with the movie is that it doesn’t manage to pull off its intended surprise change in tone, and feels just like two different movies tacked together. One audience reviewer wrote, “I was so confused watching this. Initially, I thought it was a terrible heist movie with extremely poor acting. Then a shocking twist made it an even worse horror movie with extremely poor acting. Save yourself of the hour and twenty-four minutes and pass on this one.”
‘Wrong Place, Wrong Time’ Is the Wrong Movie, Most of the Time
Golden Mile
While most audience reviews went along the same lines, landing the film just 14% on the Popcornmeter, critics surprisingly gave it a 40% Tomatometer score. However, only five critics in total have reviewed the movie, so two positive versus three negative reviews perhaps does not give that much insight into whether it is worth your time or not.
It is perhaps not that surprising to know that none of Rotten Tomatoes’ top critics bothered to get involved in reviewing this one. Out of those who did, it seems that even the two positive reviews don’t sound all that positive over all. Nathaniel Muir of AIPT wrote, “Effects save this bland formulaic horror heist mash up. Characters are wooden and the story can be confusing. Has some promise and fun gore.” Cinema Crazed’s Emilie Black’s 3.5/5 review said, “It’s a fairly fun watch, but it doesn’t reinvent the wheel of what it takes on.”
With all that said, action movies are bread and butter on free streaming platforms, and the strange plot is clearly one that has enough to pull in many viewers. Although they perhaps have not received something that lives up to expectations in doing so, after several days at the top of the Tubi movie chart, it seems like this could actually be the right movie, at the right time.
Source: Rotten Tomatoes
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Release Date
May 4, 2021
84 minutes
Tristan Price
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