On Wednesday, the 48-year-old actress, nominated for six Academy Awards, was seen filming her newest movie, Nightbitch, in Los Angeles. The actress was spotted on set acting out her role as a busy new mother. However, she only donned a button-down shirt with blue and white stripes, a bun, and very little makeup.
Before the novel was even released, Adams was recruited to assume the lead role in the film version of Rachel Yoder’s debut novel Nightbitch. Nightbitch is inspired by Yoder’s book of the same name.
Not only does the character played by Adams have to juggle the parenting responsibilities, but she also has to try to make sense of the changes she is observing in herself, which appear to suggest that she is transforming into a dog.
In the United States, the movie will debut as an original production of Hulu; however, the streaming service has yet to disclose when this will occur. Scoot McNairy, Ella Thomas, and Garrett C. Phillips are the cast members of this picture, directed by Marielle Heller.
Fans will have another opportunity to watch Adams in the highly awaited sequel to Enchanted, titled Disenchanted. In this film, she will resume her character as Princess Giselle, now a stepmom.
The long-awaited sequel had its first official announcement in the year 2020. Giselle, her husband Robert (Patrick Dempsey), and stepdaughter Morgan (Gabriella Baldacchino) relocate to the suburbs in the sequel, Disenchanted, which is set 15 decades after the events of the first film.
The fact that Giselle is still a dreamer despite having spent some time in the real world was shown in a trailer that was presented at the D23 Expo in September. The trailer also revealed that Giselle might be slightly nasty now that she has seen some time in the real world.
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