In new footage of The Batman released by Warner Bros. Japan, a crucial plot point has been revealed that shall play a significant part in unraveling the entire story and the film’s narrative. The one-and-a-half minute teaser included some new clips besides those from the official trailer released at the DC Fandome along with a scary, intense voice-over from Paul Dano’s Edward Nashton/The Riddler. The trailer extensively featured the dark, gritty, and noir themes that have been heavily teased and talked about by director Matt Reeves and the cast members too.
But, there is one aspect of the film’s plot that this footage covered exclusively, which is, the greatest riddle of all time: Who is Batman? In the footage, Bruce, seemingly during his investigation to find Nashton, comes across a board with newspaper clippings about his family and himself pinned on it. The board also has a message over-written on the clippings,
If only I knew then….what I know now…
It’s an implication towards the fact that Nashton may have uncovered the truth behind Bruce Wayne’s identity as the Batman. And not just that, the footage also teased a connection between Nashton and the Waynes, which not only is a fresh take on both Batman and Riddler, but could also be a significant suspenseful plot point, enough to make the audience gasp in theaters. Take a look at that image and see a young Nashton with the Wayne family with clippings proving Riddler’s continuous surveillance on Bruce Wayne.
Warner Bros.
The further teaser follows Riddler plotting schemes and assassination of Gotham City officials, apparently in his maniacal quest to hunt and eradicate the city’s corrupts and corruption. However, when Batman comes into the game, the teaser suggests, that the psychological duel between the two would get personal. As Riddler calls out to Bruce:
I’m here to unmask the truth about this city; you’re a part of this too
It’s a statement Bruce doesn’t understand, but it may hint at something early synopsis of the film has as well, which is Bruce’s findings on the city’s corrupt activities linking back to his families. How true Riddler is to his words, given their cryptic nature, would only be revealed upon the film’s release.
But the trailer doesn’t leave us to our assumptions. As vengeance arrives by the end of the trailer in form of a ruthless Bruce Wayne/Batman, he finds himself shocked as he confronts the Riddler, when Riddler calls out his name,
I have been trying to reach you – Bruce Wayne!
While the voice-over enthralls us with multiple questions and the resulting enthusiasm toward the film, the techno-like version of Michael Giacchino’s official theme for the film adds up to that excitement.
The teaser shows how The Batman won’t be just a superhero-villain conflict but would delve into suspense and mysteries associated with other characters and storylines from the comics that are being adapted into this film. Riddler’s codes, which will probably unravel his schemes and his killings shall take a mental toll on Bruce Wayne, while the latter’s fight against the city’s organized crime and his inability to understand his purpose (given he’s in his just second year of crime-fighting) will expand the chaos we’ll witness in The Batman.
Matt Reeves, the film’s director has called his iteration of the DC’s caped-crusader to be the scariest one ever made; and from the violently gruesome portrayal of the character by Robert Pattinson, it does seems that he’s absolutely true. And this teaser has just got us craving for the film’s release.
What are you most excited about The Batman? Tell us in the comments.
The Batman releases on March 4, 2022.
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About The Author
Abhishek Sharma
(129 Articles Published)
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