King of the Hill is an animated classic that follows Hank Hill, his family, and his neighbors through their misadventures in Arlen, Texas. The show was a huge hit thanks to its relatable yet quirky characters, as well as the fantastic cast and guest stars who voiced them.
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Release Date
January 12, 1997
While some of the guest actors went on to become main cast members, others had one-off appearances that still created some of the most memorable episodes of the show. In honor of the upcoming reboot, we decided to take a look at some of these actors’ lesser-known roles and the characters they helped bring to life.
Christopher Lloyd
Played Smitty in the Episode “Care-Takin’ Care of Business”
Groundskeeper Smitty risks being fired over his failure to maintain Arlen High’s football field, so Hank and his friends jump into action and restore the field to its former glory. Smitty gets praised for their actions, which causes him to grow conceited, and after learning that Hank has been helping behind his back, Smitty grows angry and has him and the others removed from the field. Unfortunately, he then lets the field deteriorate once more, at which point Hank and Lucky trick truck drivers into driving over the field so that the condition is blamed on them instead.
The Wizard of Sod
Christopher Lloyd has played numerous characters over his career, including Dr. Emmett “Doc” Brown from Back to the Future, Uncle Fester in The Addams Family, and Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. While Smitty may have been the Wizard of Sod, it’s undeniable that Lloyd’s acting magic is what made the role so effective.
Singers Trace Adkins and Mac Davis are also both credited as guest stars in this episode. Additionally, it was notable for featuring Luanne’s first date with her eventual husband, Lucky. At first, Tom Petty was simply credited as a guest voice for the role, but he later became an integral part of the cast before his tragic death.
Meryl Streep
Played Aunt Esme Dauterive in the Episode “A Beer Can Named Desire”
While the A-plot of “A Beer Can Named Desire” focuses on Hank debating whether to compete in a contest or have someone else take his place, the B-plot tells the strange story of Bill trying to figure out who among three women is his blood relative. All three women flirt with him, and in the end, he learns the identity of his cousin and sleeps with the other two women. However, toward the end of the episode, his Aunt Esme, voiced by Meryl Streep, asks him to leave after learning he’s not there to preserve the Dauterive name.
The End of a Line
Meryl Streep has starred in countless productions including Sophie’s Choice and Doubt. During Season 11, it was revealed that Aunt Esme died of a fever, which is likely why she (and Meryl Streep) didn’t appear again in the series. Notably, The Chicks (previously, The Dixie Chicks) voiced the episode’s Dauterive widows while the football player, Joseph Donald “Dandy Don” Meredith, voiced himself.
Lucy Liu
Played Tid Pao Souphanousinphone in the Episode “Bad Girls, Bad Girls, Whatcha Gonna Do”
After stealing drugs from a gang and needing a place to hide, Tid Pao went to live with her relatives, the Souphanousiphones family, and Bobby became her science partner. She proved to be a terrible influence and tricked Bobby into helping her gather tools to make more drugs. Fortunately, upon realizing what her cousin had done, Connie swooped in to stop Tid Pao and prevent Bobby from getting in trouble.
Other “Bad Girls”
This isn’t the only time Lucy Liu has played a “bad girl.” For example, in Shazam! Fury of the Gods she played the villainous Kalypso, and in Kill Bill she played O-Ren Ishii. Some of her other notable roles include Alex in Charlie’s Angels and Viper in Kung Fu Panda.
How the King of the Hill Revival Could Handle Deceased Cast Members
Hulu’s upcoming King of the Hill revival will have to contend with the loss of several main cast members. Here are some options.
Chris Rock
Played Roger “Booda” Sack in the Episode “Traffic Jam”
Roger “Booda” Sack was the instructor at Hank’s Defensive Driving course, but he seemed more interested in telling jokes than teaching. When Bobby tried to mimic his jokes, Roger suggested that Bobby incorporate his own culture into his jokes instead. Unfortunately, this led to Bobby performing an (accidentally) offensive set at a comedy club, but Roger defended his jokes as free speech. Grateful, Hank helped Roger get a job at Strickland Propane (…after causing him to get fired from his previous job).
Funny Actor for a Funny Role
Chris Rock has been in many other comedic roles including Grown Ups and Madagascar. Here, his sense of humor and comedic timing were on full display, though in later appearances, the character of Roger would come to be voiced by Phil LaMarr.
John Amos also guest starred in the episode as the manager of the comedy club.
Gary Busey
Played Mad Dog in the Episode “Soldier of Misfortune”
When Dale’s rival, Mad Dog, runs against him for president of Arlen Gun Club, his confidence disappears. To help him build it back up, Hank hires Dale for a fake mission, which the latter fails spectacularly. A series of mishaps later, Hank, Bill, and Boomhauer are all captured and held hostage by Mad Dog, only to be saved by Dale’s claim that the government is coming to save them. Scared, Mad Dog flees, and the other gun club members re-elect Dale as president.
Previous Legal Issues
Busey has appeared in numerous movies such as The Buddy Holly Story and A Star is Born, as well as several reality shows, including Dancing with the Stars and Celebrity Apprentice. Unfortunately, in 1988, he suffered permanent brain damage after a motorcycle accident, and in 1995, he overdosed on cocaine. Busey’s career has seemingly halted after several sexual misconduct allegations in 2022.
Rue McClanahan
Played Bunny Hicks in the Episode “Hair Today, Gone Today”
Shortly after breaking up with John Redcorn, Nancy starts losing her hair, and she turns to her mom, Bunny, for advice. To her horror, she learns that the same thing happened to Bunny after she broke up with her own boyfriend, and Bunny encourages Nancy to return to John in order to prevent more from falling out. In the end, however, Nancy chooses Dale, even if it means going bald.
We See Where She Gets It
Nancy’s mom showed viewers where Nancy’s desire to cheat might have come from. As a Golden Girl, the late Rue McClanahan’s character Blanche also had several paramours and wasn’t shy about her sexual exploits. Along with McClanahan, actor and radio talk show host Phil Hendrie guest starred in this episode, as well as several other episodes.
King of the Hill: How the Series Changed Animated Television
Over 13 seasons, the sitcom revealed class struggles, challenged politics, predicted conspiracies, broke stereotypes, and encouraged understanding.
Ben Stiller
Played Rich in the Episode “That’s What She Said”
When the new employee Rich, voiced by Ben Stiller, begins cracking inappropriate jokes, Hank isn’t sure what to do. He doesn’t want to sue for sexual harassment, but he also doesn’t want the jokes to continue. As the jokes grow steadily worse, Hank realizes that the other employees don’t like them, either, and he tells his boss, Buck, that it’s him or Rich. Fortunately, Buck fires Rich, and Strickland Propane returns to normal.
Funnier in Real Life
In real life, Ben Stiller is far funnier than Rich, though he has been in several movies that Hank would likely find inappropriate. He also has an impressive career as a director (though again, many of the movies wouldn’t be to Hank’s taste).
Kathy Bates
Played Patrol Officer Jane Cooper in the Episode “Lupe’s Revenge”
The episode “Lupe’s Revenge” mostly focuses on Peggy accidentally kidnapping a child from Mexico, but during the B-plot, Hank is pulled over for swerving into the wrong lane, only to accidentally flirt his way out of it. This makes the patrol officer, Jane Cooper, develop feelings for him, much to his discomfort. Things only get worse when she gives him her phone number, threatens his friends, and awkwardly frisks him.
Pulling Off Obsession
Kathy Bates has starred in many movies and TV shows, including several seasons of American Horror Story, Fried Green Tomatoes, and Misery. The last of these comes to mind when it comes to her portrayal of Jane Cooper. Obviously, Annie Wilkes was the bigger stalker (/fan), but Jane Cooper definitely had hints of her obsessive nature. Of note, Fred Willard was also a guest star in this episode, and he played several characters in other episodes as well.
King of the Hill: Why Hank Hill is the Best TV Dad
In the world of animated family sitcoms, there is one father that stands above the rest, and he truly is the King of the Hill.
Snoop Dogg
Played Alabaster Jones in the Episode “Ho Yeah!”
After offering her a place in their home, Hank and Peggy learn that Hank’s new co-worker, Tammi, is a prostitute. Her pimp, Alabaster Jones (played by Snoop Dogg), mistakes Hank as her new pimp, and angrily says he must return her. Later, Alabaster tries to run Hank and Tammi off the road, at which point Hank pays Alabaster the money Tammi has made and lies that she’s working for him now.
Unexpected but Hilarious
At first, this might seem like a random character for Snoop Dogg to play, but the rapper has proven himself capable of taking on any and every role sent his way. Alabaster Jones is hilarious, as are Hank’s reactions to everything he says.
Along with Snoop Dogg, Renée Zellweger also guest starred in this episode as Tammi.
John Goodman
Played Tommy in the Episode “SerPunt”
When Bobby’s new pet snake, Josh, escapes into the sewer, the family enlists Tommy (voiced by John Goodman) and Rollo (voiced by Randal Reeder) of County Animal Control to help. The two publicly blame Hank for the mishap, then delay trying to find the snake in order to get paid more. Eventually, Dale and Hank learn that the duo is deceiving the town and go to find the snake themselves.
Another Exterminator Role
Although very different characters, it’s hard to hear Tommy and not think of John Goodman’s portrayal of the exterminator Delbert McClintock from Arachnophobia. Goodman brings similar comedic relief to this role as well, but he certainly seemed more committed to his job in the movie.
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