The search for the mysterious took center stage, and that quest put Reginald through some exciting tasks.
Reginald the Vampire Season 1 Episode 8 showcased the quality of the show and managed to balance quirkiness and serious topics.
Although the lack of some important characters was evident, the adventure Reginald found himself on proved fascinating.
Reginald got put through a trial of emotions, all caused by Abraham himself.
Reginald grappled with many emotions during this episode, and Jacob Batalon finally got a chance to showcase his range.
Reginald’s journey took an interesting turn today, and instead of confronting his real friends, he confronted his subconscious.
His subconscious brought him through most of the people that he hurt, save for Nikki and Claire.
His subconscious wasn’t controlled by himself but by the vampire he was looking for, the legendary Abraham.
Abraham set up an elaborate maze to reach him, and Reginald confronted each obstacle with bravery.
Jacob Batalon’s emotional range got showcased throughout the hour, which only got teased during his MCU tenure.
Reginald ran into a man that helped him find Abraham named Jenkins.
In a twist of events, this man turned into a pawn of Abraham’s and launched Reignald’s journey into the subconscious.
A mysterious elevator led Reginald to multiple locations, including the slushie shack, where he ran into Todd (alive).
We don’t know if the real Todd is alive, but this confrontation with his subconscious made Reginald confront his inner evils.
Reginald admitted to his shortcomings and that he’s a bad person (well, not a person. Vampire).
Reginald also confronted himself on the fated night where he prayed for a change in his life (and subsequently got turned into a vampire).
The conversation was weird and didn’t quite resonate as profoundly as we thought it would, but it was necessary.
Reginald managed to come to terms with a lot in his life: that he sucked as a boyfriend and that he needed to stop wallowing in his sorrow.
This hour helped Reginald come to terms with the vampiric change (that he hasn’t been dealing with all too well).
Hopefully, Reginald will be ready for the vampire assessment (or at least brave enough to face it head-on).
Sadly, we still don’t know if Reginald actually murdered Todd, and Maurice didn’t give Reggie any hints either.
Reginald also got to confront his subconscious version of Sarah, which helped him come to terms with what he did to her: but will he apologize to her in person?
We understand the journey that Abraham put Reginald through, but hopefully, it translates to Reginald’s real-life situations.
Maurice also revealed to Reginald (and the audience) that Reginald missed the assessment and that Maurice had to beg for an extension (which he got).
Reginald now only has five days until the vampire assessment.
However, that issue took a backseat as Reginald and Maurice had to deal with Abraham first.
Abraham found himself in a bit of a jam: he had a stake that almost hit him in the heart, but he froze time.
Reginald managed to remove it and kill the would-be assassin, and Abraham unfroze time and celebrated being alive.
He revealed that he isn’t just a vampire: he’s half vampire and half archangel.
Because of his mixed species, his powers differ from other vampires (like the time-freezing ability).
Reginald learned that Abraham couldn’t change him back to a human, and he had to come to terms with that.
Luckily, he managed to deal with it and vowed to beat the vampire assessment.
Maurice also reminded Reginald that he’s always going to be in his corner, even if Reginald fails and they both die.
We’re thrilled that Reginald and Maurice made up and became friends again because Reginald needs as many people in his corner as possible.
However, this episode had some missing faces, and including them would have made this fantastic episode even better.
We missed Nikki, Ashley, and Claire!
Ashley always brings fantastic energy to the slushie shack (and we love the investigation they’ve mounted into vampires).
Claire and Nikki got hurt by Reginald in Reginald the Vampire Season 1 Episode 7, and we’d like to see some sort of reconciliation between everyone.
We also NEED to learn more about whatever kind of supernatural entity is plaguing Claire and her mother.
The creepy aura that Nikki felt when she walked into Claire’s mother’s room needs to be explored more, and hopefully, it happens before the season wraps up.
There’s clearly a lot left to explore in this universe of vampires, and with only two episodes left in the season, hopefully, we can explore more in the world.
While the ratings haven’t been terrible, the ratings and viewership don’t come anywhere close to the success of the lead-in show, Chucky.
Hopefully, SYFY will have faith in the series and give it another go-around, even if just to wrap up the storylines early.
Only time will tell, but hopefully, we will see more of Reginald in the future.
And hopefully, the final episodes retain the quality portrayed during this hour.
The episode managed to keep us entertained while also showcasing some great filmmaking.
This is the first time we have seen any of the characters go through any sort of emotional growth.
Reginald grappled with his mind throughout this season, and we finally saw him come to terms with his decisions.
We’d like to see that emotional depth continue!
So, Fanatics, what did you think of this unique episode?
Were you as happy with the episode as we were?
Let us know in the comments below, and remember that you can watch Reginald the Vampire online here on TV Fanatic.
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Michael Stack is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.
You can view the original article HERE.