Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is poised to become the most successful installment of the Sonic franchise, so it’s no wonder that a fourth movie featuring the bright blue speedster and his equally colorful friends has already been greenlit by Paramount Pictures. Although few details have been revealed about the upcoming film, Jim Carrey — who plays Sonic’s iconic arch-nemesis, Dr. Ivo Robotnik — may end up reprising his fan-favorite role, despite his hints at a well-deserved retirement from Hollywood sometime in the near future.
In fact, Carrey has already attempted to retire once before — following the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 2022 — but ultimately chose to return for the third installment, stating that he was enchanted by the quality and excitement of the script. According to ComicBook, Carrey’s conditions for appearing in the fourth Sonic movie seem to be along the same lines. “I’m open to the idea,” he stated, “and generally, they come to me with the next idea and if I go, ‘That sounds fun,’ then I’ll do it.” Thankfully, since Carrey has already postponed retirement once for a Sonic film, it’s likely that writers Pat Casey, Josh Miller, and John Whittington are more than capable of crafting another story that can rope Carrey back into the movie-making business.
I don’t feel locked to anything in life, unless it’s something that interests me.
However, the success of a fourth Sonic movie doesn’t solely depend on Carrey’s return. When making Sonic 3, the writers acknowledged the prospect of Carrey’s imminent retirement, and endeavored to give his iconic villain a satisfying finale. Casey said:
“We knew there was a very real possibility that this might be his last one, and it might be for real, but we wanted to make it a satisfying capper for him. So, if this is the last we saw of Ivo, he had a good, complete story with a real ending that feels satisfying and felt earned.”
Still, there’s no doubt Carrey’s eclectic and multi-talented presence would be missed in future Sonic films.
Jim Carrey Has Become an Integral Aspect of the ‘Sonic’ Universe
Carrey’s involvement in the Sonic franchise has consistently been a source of praise among fans, especially in the most recent iteration, which featured one significant alteration to the original lore of the Sonic games. The universe’s villain, Dr. Ivo Robotnik, was originally depicted working alongside his grandfather only in flashbacks, but the writers of Sonic 3 chose to keep Gerald Robotnik alive and well, allowing him to come face-to-face with his grandson in an emotionally complex and devastating reunion. With both characters played by the inimitable Jim Carrey, this decision — as well as the introduction of Keanu Reeves’ Shadow the Hedgehog — helped Sonic 3 reach a staggering 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the highest score the franchise has received thus far. Clearly, Carrey is an undeniable force in the Sonic films, and fans’ exuberant reviews of his performance may very well encourage him to return a fourth time to the Sonic universe.
‘Sonic 3’ Would’ve Been a Very Different Movie if This Actor Didn’t Accept the Role
Who could have played Gerald Robotnik if Jim Carrey didn’t want to, and how would that have impacted ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 3?’
There is one minor obstacle barring Carrey’s return, however — both the elder and younger Robotnik appear to perish at the end of Sonic 3, in order to provide a satisfying conclusion should Carrey choose to retire. However, Carrey himself has acknowledged that the Robotniks are geniuses, so it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to imagine that they found a way to survive. As long as the story is compelling, a return of one or both of the Robotniks isn’t out of the question.
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Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is the sequel to the 2022 comedy-adventure movie that featured the Blue Blur and his companions on an adventure to stop Dr. Robotnik from taking over the world. The new film sees the new antagonist Shadow the Hedgehog, arriving to cause trouble for the newly formed trio of heroes, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, as they adjust to their earthly lives.
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