The latest take on The Addams Family has arrived with the recent debut of Wednesday on Netflix. With Tim Burton serving as a director and executive producer on the show, Wednesday introduces Jenna Ortega as an older teen version of the titular character. The story follows Wednesday as she attends Nevermore Academy, wherein she investigates the university’s dark secrets with the help of her psychic powers.
Rebooting a popular brand like The Addams Family can go either way with fans, but most viewers seem to be enjoying the new Wednesday series. Its audience score at Rotten Tomatoes sits at 86% fresh, and many fans have been praising the series on social media. Some are wondering why Netflix hasn’t already given Wednesday a renewal for season 2, feeling that the show had an excellent freshman season that deserves to have its story continue.
“If Netflix doesn’t renew Wednesday for a second season I will wreak havoc so catastrophic they will be doomed to regret it,” one fan wrote in a tweet that Wednesday Addams would approve of.
“Just finished watching Wednesday series on Netflix. Solid 10/10,” another fan writes. “Every scene seemed intriguing and I’m left wanting more. Hope Netflix will renew the franchise’s contract season 2! I’ll be waiting! Plus, Jenna Ortega nailed it.”
And as another fan puts it, “The show Wednesday was amazing, I loved it so much! The acting by Jenna Ortega was out of this world and every bit of it- writing, setting, costuming, was perfect, I really hope they renew the show for another season.”
Related: Jenna Ortega Never Discussed Playing Wednesday with Christina Ricci: ‘I Didn’t Want to Rip Her Off’
Wednesday Ends With a Cliffhanger
Without getting too far into spoiler territory for those who have yet to watch the series, Wednesday’s freshman season doesn’t wrap up the show’s storylines with a bow. It leaves the door open for the story to continue with another season, and it’s clear that the show’s creators were aiming for this. It’s up to Netflix whether that second season will ultimately come, but co-creators Al Gough and Miles Millar have some ideas in mind already for where to go in upcoming episodes, should that renewal come.
“The series is really about a girl who sees the world in black and white, and learning there are shades of gray,” Gough recently told TVLine about what season 2 would potentially see. “I think like any relationship or any friendship, it can get complicated by other factors. It’s never going to be smooth sailing. And it’s really her learning to navigate the ups and downs of friendship.”
Along with Jenna Ortega in the lead role, the series also features other members of the Addams Family with Catherine Zeta-Jones as Morticia, Luis Guzman as Gomez, and Isaac Ordonez as Pugsley. The showrunners have also teased that more of the family will be seen in season 2, but the show will still primarily focus on Ortega’s Wednesday Addams and the new relationships she’s forging at Nevermore Academy.
Wednesday is now streaming on Netflix. You can see some more of the fans demanding a renewal below.
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